Friday, November 25, 2011

Another Blogger with a Blender

I have been making smoothies for over 2 years.  My goal has been to painlessly add more fruits and veggies to my son’s diet (and sometimes my own).  When I started my blog, the first thing I wanted to write about was my fantastic smoothie-making ability.  After a little research, I realized that I am just another blogger with a blender.  I found two of my most exotic recipes in the first smoothie article I pulled up.

I learned to make smoothies by trial and error.  On more than one occasion, I presented one of my favorite smoothies to my son only to see him pulling what looked like hair out of his mouth.  I’m not sure which ingredient was responsible for the hair-like bits, so I am unable to provide you with instructions to make your own “Hairy Smoothie.”

I have learned that a smoothie cannot work miracles.  Broccoli has a strong taste and a unique texture when eaten alone; that isn’t going to change when you add it to a smoothie.  I don’t think peas or avocados have a very strong flavor, but they don’t make particularly good smoothies.  I also think spinach has a bland flavor, but if you go overboard, it can add a gritty taste.  Somewhere in my experiments with these four vegetables, I came up with my worst smoothie ever.  My son started refusing all green smoothies.  I had to stop making them for a couple of months in order to clear his memory.

When my son was a baby, we fed him smoothies with a spoon.   Now that he is learning to use a spoon himself, most of my smoothie ends up on his bib.   He is slightly better at drinking out of a cup, but there is still a lot of spilling.  A few weeks ago, I bought some ice pop molds.  My son loves them, and there is no spilling.  I wish I had thought to make ice pops earlier when he was teething.

Below are two of my son’s favorite smoothie recipes.  I don’t actually measure anything, so portions are approximate.

Juice from 2 large oranges
2 chopped mangos
About ¾ cup cooked and chopped carrots
½ medium cooked sweet potato
Stonyfield Farm 6 oz. Peach Low Fat Yogurt, Fruit on Bottom (Optional)

Yes, that photo was taken on my floor because it was the only relatively clean surface.  Don't judge!

Freshly squeezed lemonade (I add a little to get the blender going, then I add more at the end if I overdo the veggies.)
Up to 2 cups chopped fresh pineapple
Up to 1 cup raw spinach (add slowly and taste!)
Up to ½ medium avocado (add slowly and taste!)

Check out the rocket ship ice pop molds!


  1. I am lover for smoothies, Thanks for sharing the procedures and ingedients list. Your son is lucky to have you as a caring mother. looking forward to your future articles.

  2. This is such a good idea. Children generally don't like vegetables. So, instead of having a constant battle, a vegie smoothie is a better idea.
